KSB INTAX v. Bismarck
Rechtsanwälte Wirtschaftsprüfer Steuerberater Partner GmbB
Lüerstr. 10-12
D-30175 Hannover
T +49 (0) 511. 854 04 - 0
F +49 (0) 511. 81 58 74
Partners entitled to represent the firm:
Dipl.-Vw. Thomas Altendorfer, Attorney, Tax Consultant
Dr. Karl-Heinz Vehling, Attorney
Valentin R. Seidenfus, Attorney, Tax Consultant
Dipl.-Vw. Dr. Michael Kunst, Attorney, Notary Public, Auditor
Dr. Christian Bereska, Attorney
Thomas Stillahn, Attorney
Dipl.-Kfm. Sascha Halbe, LL.M., Attorney
Dr. Jan-W. Vesting, Attorney
Dipl.-Kfm. Til Ammermann, Auditor, Tax Consultant
Dr. Marc Wendt, Attorney, Notary Public
Dr. Nicolas Penner, Attorney, Tax Consultant
Friedrich Graf zu Ortenburg, LL.M., Attorney
Dr. Stephan Rose, Attorney, Notary Public
Dr. Ralf Schlottau, Attorney, Notary Public
Miriam Henschel, Attorney, Tax Consultant
Dr. Philipp Schulz, Attorney
Dr. Björn Bogner, LL.M., Attorney
Mathias Dietrich, Attorney, Tax Consultant
Tobias Lerch, Attorney, Notary Public
Register of Partnerships:
Hanover Local Court PR 200672
Value-Added Tax Identification Number:
DE 115588514
Professional liability insurance:
Allianz AG, Munich
Scope: Europa
Additional information
KSB INTAX is a limited liability partnership. The partners and staff of KSB INTAX use the statutory professional titles of “attorney”, “auditor”, “tax advisor” and/or “notary public”. These professional titles have been conferred in the Federal Republic of Germany.
Supervisory authorities and professional law requirements:
All the attorneys are members of the Celle Bar Association:
Rechtsanwaltskammer Celle, Bahnhofstr. 5, 29221 Celle,
The following professional laws and regulations apply:
- Federal Lawyers’ Code (Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung - BRAO)
- Federal Code of Lawyers’ Fees (Rechtsanwaltsvergütungsgesetz - RVG)
- Federal Lawyers’ Professional Code (Berufsordnung für Rechtsanwälte - BORA)
- Specialized Lawyers’ Code (Fachanwaltsordnung - FAO)
- Professional Regulations for Lawyers of the European Union (CCBE)
All the auditors are members of the Auditors’ Chamber:
Wirtschaftsprüferkammer, Rauchstr. 26, 10787 Berlin,
The following professional laws and regulations apply:
- Auditors’ Regulation (Wirtschaftsprüferordnung - WPO)
- Professional Code for Certified Accountants and Sworn Auditors (Berufssatzung für Wirtschaftsprüfer/vereidigte Buchprüfer - BS WP/vBP)
- Quality Control Charter (Satzung für Qualitätskontrolle)
- Regulation on Document Seals (Siegelverordnung - SiegelVO)
- Professional Indemnity Insurance Regulation for Auditors (Wirtschaftsprüfer-Berufshaftpflichtversicherungsverordnung - WPBHV)
Tax consultants
All the tax consultants are members of the Lower Saxony Tax Consultants’ Chamber:
Steuerberaterkammer Niedersachsen, Adenauerallee 20, 30175 Hannover,
The following professional laws and regulations apply:
- Tax Consultants’ Act (Steuerberatungsgesetz - StBerG)
- Regulation for the Implementation of the Tax Consultants’ Act (Durchführungsverordnung zum Steuerberatungsgesetz - DVStB)
- Tax Consultants’ Fees Regulation (Steuerberatervergütungsverordnung - StBVV)
- Code of Conduct for the Federal Chamber of Tax Consultants (Berufsordnung der Bundessteuerberaterkammer - BOStB)
Notary publics
All the notary publics are members of the Celle Notary Publics’ Chamber:
Notarkammer Celle, Riemannstr. 15, 29225 Celle,
The supervisory authority for notary publics is the respective president of the Regional Court at the location at which the respective notary public is licensed:
Hanover: President of Hanover Regional Court
Celle: President of Lüneburg Regional Court
The following professional laws and regulations apply:
- Federal Notary Publics’ Act (Bundesnotarordnung - BNotO)
- Notarization Act (Beurkundungsgesetz - BeurkG)
- Regulation for Notary Publics (Dienstordnung für Notarinnen und Notare - DONot)
- Guidelines of Celle Notary Public Chamber for the Official Obligations and other Duties of Members of the Notary Publics’ Chamber (Richtlinien der Notarkammer Celle für die Amtspflichten und sonstigen Pflichten der Mitglieder der Notarkammer)
- Fee Code (Kostenordnung - KostO)
- European Code of Notarial Professional Law
The laws, regulations and rules governing the profession can be examined at the respective chambers in charge.
Information regarding § 36 Consumer Dispute Resolution Act (VSBG)
The competent consumer arbitration board regarding proprietary litigation resulting from a brief is the Arbitration Board of the Legal Profession, Neue Grünstr. 17, 10179 Berlin, However, lawyers are not obligated to participate in dispute settlement proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.
KSB INTAX is generally ready to participate in dispute settlement proceedings before the Arbitration Board of the Legal Profession.
Information in accordance with the regulations regarding Online Dispute Resolution in consumer matters (ODR)
EU platform regarding out of court online dispute resolution:
Other notes:
The KSB INTAX website contains general information on the firm and is not intended to provide legal advice in individual cases. If you are seeking specific legal advice, please contact an attorney. Accessing the website or sending e-mails shall not be deemed to constitute a client relationship.
It is noted that this website and its content are protected by copyright.
Additional information on affiliated companies:
Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft Steuerberatungsgesellschaft
Kaiserallee 9
D-30175 Hannover
T +49 (0) 511. 854 04 - 0
F +49 (0) 511. 81 58 74
Managing Directors:
Til Ammermann, Auditor/Tax Advisor
Frank Deppenkemper, Auditor/Tax Advisor
Monika Martyniak, Auditor/Tax Advisor
Commercial Register:
Hanover Local Court HRB 8257
Value-added tax identification number:
DE 115674457
Professional liability insurance:
Versicherungsstelle Wiesbaden, Wiesbaden Scope: Europe
KSB INTAX Projekt GmbH
Real estate and product management
Kaiserallee 9
D-30175 Hannover
T +49 (0) 511. 854 04 - 0
F +49 (0) 511. 81 58 74
Managing Directors:
Jan-W.Vesting, Attorney
Dr. Karl-Heinz Vehling, Attorney
Commercial Register:
Hanover Local Court HRB 59285
Value-added tax identification number:
DE 213635176
Professional liability insurance:
Allianz AG, Munich Scope: Europe
KSB INTAX Datenschutz GmbH
Data protection and data security
Kaiserallee 9
D-30175 Hannover
T +49 (0) 511. 854 04 - 0
F +49 (0) 511. 81 58 74
Managing Directors:
Dr. Philipp Schulz, Attorney
Isabelle Bulenda, Attorney
Commercial Register:
Hanover Local Court HRB 51732
Value-added tax identification number:
DE 273738968
Professional liability insurance:
Allianz AG, Munich
Scope: Europe
Conception and design
Windrich & Sörgel GmbH & Co. KG |
Dipl. Ing. Dipl. Des. Stefan Kröger |
Helmut Hummel |