Distribution Law

Careful drafting of contracts as well as the structuring of distribution systems are of essential importance for entrepreneurial success.

Within contractual relationships that are often cross-border, we will advise you regarding issues of distribution law. In particular, we will support in respect of legal questions con-cerning commercial agents and distributors under consideration of the distribution anti-trust law, in structuring distribution systems as well as in drafting purchase and distribu-tion agreements.

When doing so, we take into consideration questions that regularly arise during the sale and distribution of products in the fields of antitrust law, compliance and export control.

When doing so, we take into consideration questions that regularly arise during the sale and distribution of products in the fields of antitrust law, compliance and export control.

Moreover, we offer you our support in cases of impending litigations as well as disputes – in and out of court – before public courts and arbitration tribunals.

With pleasure, we pass on our long-term experience in distribution law and distribution antitrust law through presentations and trainings.

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Your contact

Anna Dietrich


Dr. Marc Wendt

Attorney, Notary (m. d. Amtssitz in Hannover)


Certified Attorney in Commercial and Corporate Law